Sunday, April 4, 2010

*Siiiigh* I love weekends!!

Well i finally got my butt back on my blog... hehehe..

sitting here watching the yanks cream the sox... whoot whoot! b-ball season is back on!!

anywho.. i'm sitting here with heat on my shoulder and my back, feet throbbing and sniggering at the thought of my hysterical sunglasses tan line... and reveling in the gloriousness of the weekend.

Friday was awesome, it started with a nice long 'lunch break' to go do a shift at the bake sale with karyn... which i gladly excepted cuz it was a beautiful day! Then after work i went and chilled at sarah fenn's til crafts, which was real nice cuz i haven't been for ages.. Then it was off to crafts where we had a really fun time with the girlies, making spring gardens out of pound cakes and other food accessories... (word to the wise.. do NOT overdose on chocolate frosting... especially when it's expired!! :S ... )
Then after all the youngins left, the older girls had a really awesome time of fellowship. It was indescribably amazing! and all i have to say is that the CT girls are awesome!
Then we went over to jess's and shtuffed eggies for the egg hunt... and then when we started laughing uncontrollably, we evacuated promptly.. i was so drained i literally plopped in bed and dont think i moved until i woke up...

Saturday was b e a - utiful!! i woke up at 9, grabbed my pillow and a towel and fell back to sleep on the porch... til about 10, then went over to jess's for a transmission.. but the sound wasn't working, so we lay out on the porch with the kiddies.. the sound came on after br. stadven *sigh* but we got the rest of the meeting which was nice.. and having a smoosh on my lap the whole time wasn't bad either. then jess took 4 of the nuts shoe shopping, so me and meg stayed with panners, erik ("ee, arrr, eye, kay... EWIK) and sammy, who was sleepin. and we had fun making a mess with homemade bubbles til they got back. Then it was off to the meeting hall for a replay, and after we attempted soccer with the few that were there, failed, and so me, meg, jenn, mary and emma went to Poppy's for ice cream.... and then taco bell for chalupas... :) hehe.. then we watched the youth meeting replay at 8.. then after played some fun games of v-ball... and then again, i stumbled home and fell into bed..

i struggled to wake up this morn.. mostly cuz i was txting and i turned off my alarm, and then i fell back to sleep... but i made it to the meeting hall all bright tailed and bushy eyed for precisely 8.. tada! how i got all my clothes on properly, i will never know.....
The girls all made breakfast for the easter 'branch' (hehe.. Kong) we had for all the friends.. it was fun... me and sarah were in charge of bisquits... and they were darn good! :)
breakfast was delicious, and so was the massive cup of coffee i had... (which for me to drink that much straight coffee was a testament to how pooped i was)...
Then after breakfast we watched the easter morning transmission where i sang "poske morgen" with helle mit hjerte! hehe.. i was looking forward to it all weekend! After Kare, all the youth ran around hiding eggs all around the grounds, and then the kids were released for the egg hunt.. it was a grand success and all the kids were stocked up with a nice supply of candy for a good couple weeks... who am i kidding... days :)
It was gorgeous today too, so once we were outside, we stayed... and we started bumping around the v-ball.. which led to v-ball games, which were awesome.. we pretty much just scrounged up teams, and whoever was left made challenge teams.. and we did that for the first half of the afternoon... (OH, and inbetween games we all went over and swung like little children on our brand spanking NEW SWINGSET!! which is amazing! and like a legit set too.. metal and concreted into the ground.. so we can all go on it!) We were pretty much outside all day... volleyball, swings, volleyball, tossing the baseball around, running around with kiddies, more volleyball, LUNCH, more volleyball , crazy game of 'around the world' soccer *(really fun) and then a full field soccer match, then more volleyball, *cleaaaning, and then...... more volleyball!
then when we couldn't go any longer and the games were getting *silly we decided to call it quits.... and all dispersed...

which brought me back here... where i am watching the yank lead deteriorate :( AKK tie game... noooooooooo..... poop.. stupid relief pitcher.. let a 2-run homer in!!!! ew!

anywho.. i can't move.. i'm stuck.. literally, my back won't straighten... i feel like Edgar from the Aristocats... tomorrow's gonna be a joy! but it is so worth it!!! to quote the random kid from the incredibles.. " THAT WAS SO TOTALLY WICKED!!"

*SIGH* I love CT!!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

my apologies

hey guys
sorry i've been so neglectful of my blog.. i'm just thoroughly enjoying 2 weeks of no homework and as little computer time as possible! :D
hopefully I'll have some time to do some updating soon.... *cough*

and i'm totally jealous of all you norskies that get to go to the conf. at brunstad!!!

ok... ttfn!

love ya all!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Spa Night!

For girls crafts last week we put on a spa for the little girls. It was so cute! we had it in the youth room and we did 4 stations: nails, hair, massages and facials. The girls got to go around and do each of the stations or whatever they liked. We had Karyn & Kimmy on mani/pedis, me and Sarah on hair, Lydia and Jenny on massages, and Julia and Meriel on facials. It was so much fun! We also had a chocolate fondue with tons of fruit and food to dip in, and while they were being pampered our runners (the girls that didn't have anyone at their station) would come and wait on the girls bringing them plates full of food! They were loving it! Here are some pics...
Kate dipping into the chocolate fountain
Me doing Elena's hair....

The result...
Kara getting her hair straightened :)
Emmy loving the pedicure!
cucumbers!!! :)... so relaxing!

and some strawberry daqs to finish the night!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Look Craff Look!

hehehe.. just a random post... i finally got a whole crapload of cool picture frames and such (Kohls was having a HUGE sale).. and so I decorated! huzzah.. I took down the aussie shrine (just temporarily til the frame is fixed and we find more space) and put up a bunch of pictures... I'm so excited!!! :D it's like a normal room now!! There's still more to go, but it's a nice start!

(this one needs some more help.. i just gotta get some more things to decorate them with)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

To: Helsi, From: Ivan

Yummy PANERA!!!! :P
Me an Karyn went up to the local *cough*torrington*cough* Panera and met Mariel, Kimmy and Sarah for a scrumptious din din! it was quite delish!!

Helsi, I thought of you the WHOLE time i was eating my yummy sandwich!! ehheehehe. I'm sorry, I know that's really mean. John Fenn says it's just cruel to tease people in Norway about American food! teehee. If I could pack some up and send it in a box over to all you gorgeous norskelanders, I would!!! :D

(sorry about the lack of pics... i totally forgot to take any until half way through our meals.... )

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Welcome to my humble....ablog! :D (oh, that was so bad.. am i tired???)

Well Howdy-DO!!
So, because this is totally the new "hip/cool" thing to do these days, I totally had to be a sheep and follow the herd! hehee. It's a little to late and I have too much school work to do right now, so I can't really post much right now, but don't worry, I won't leave you hangin too long!
But soon I'll start posting, and who knows, maybe I'll actually keep this one up to date!
So ttfn for now!
We be snakkering soon!
... what am i doing??????